Wellness by Design

Wellness by Design: Release the Geopathic Stress
Alumina Ancient Land Harmonization techniques regenerates the body while sleeping.

Ancient Energetic Architecture

Earth Acupuncture

Using the solar rectangle of the place are some of  the ancient techniques used to balance these unseen forces, release the geopathic stress, harmonize the water veins and bring the land back to balance. 

Solar Sacred Geometry

Another ancient technique used to design and build perfectly harmonic and balanced spaces that not only look, but feel good to the body, calm the mind and soothe the soul while awake but ultimately regenerate the body while sleeping.

The Solar Rectangle

Used for building all sacred structures around world since Neolithic times.  The Mayans used it as the foundation for designing their beautiful temples according with the rhythm of the sun of the place. 

Geopathic Stress

Beneath our feet are many unseen forces that affect our health. Underground water veins and geological faults flow everywhere and create ”Geopathic Stress” that is naturally felt on the body. These earth energies conduct electricity, EMFs, and other noxious energies and disrupt the electromagnetic balance of the land. Our bodies work best in places where these influences are balanced.

At Alumina we have first ¨healed the land¨ releasing the geopathic stress by using different earth healing ancient techniques. It is of our interest to create a balanced environment, and this starts with harmonization of the underground unseen forces. 

Subterranean Water veins “Blue lines”

Negatively impact the body’s ability to achieve optimal health, sleep, and body function. Water Veins are detrimental to your long-term health; endocrine system; thyroid & adrenal glands activate 2-3x MORE, endocrine glands; thymus, pituitary gland, epiphysis or pineal, and gonads secrete 2 – 3x LESS hormones causing “stress response” in the body, sleeplessness, fatigue, symptoms become chronic conditions, generating all kinds of physical and psychological disfunction. People who sleep on a water vein wake up tired, anxious or depressed even after sleeping 8 hours.  The body cannot rest, heal, recover nor regenerate through the night

Subterranean Fault Lines “Red Lines”

Fault lines are natural gas flows created by ionic exchanges between the edges of breaks in the earth that have different materials on each side of the break. Red faults, affect balance of circulatory system. Yellow faults affect digestive system. Gray faults affect entire respiratory system, the lungs. When underground water veins & faults circulate under a building structure they create negative atmosphere, resulting in low energy environment creating negative psychic atmosphere (houses with a lot of screaming & physical aggression< depression).  Spaces for businesses that are never successful

Ancient Land Harmonization Techniques

Harmonizing the land is an easy way to describe how we connect the rhythms of the sun with the patterns of the earth. When we connect the rhythm of the sun by a structure called the solar rectangle with the earth, we obtain a balanced energy which is good for health.

Each location on earth has a different relationship with the sun. This relationship is manifested by connecting the winter and summer solstice sunrises and sunsets to the earth. A solar rectangle is formed that is unique to the place and is the basic design of all sacred temples and harmonious places around the world.

Tulum Wellness Today

Tulum is already well known as a “Wellness” and “Spiritual Destination” well immersed in Mayan Culture, with many traditional offerings, Temazcal’s, Sound Healings, Mayan Clay Ceremonies and every form of yoga imaginable 

The attraction to healing, wellness & transformation exists, however, no one is sincere in delivering on this premise.

We offer a unique perspective and authentic treatment’s not available anywhere else.  There is NO competition for our unique offering throughout the region of Q.R covering Cancun, Playa Del Carmen and in particular Tulum.